Điểm sách báo đài Thế giới

The End of the Gods
The End of the Gods

The gods can be boors. Their ways are not ours. They shout a lot. They don't seem as concerned with identity politics or buying things as they might be. Whatever their enthusiasts claim, the risk... >>Xem tiếp

A Little History of Philosophy
A Little History of Philosophy

The idea that braininess is sexy may provide comfort to philosophers, but their own subject refutes the delusion. It boasts more than its fair share of grey cells, but where is its Brian Cox or... >>Xem tiếp

The Cat's Table
The Cat's Table

The Cat's Table seems at first as if it might be a picaresque novel set in a constricted space, a favourite choice of many writers since Sebastian Brant's 1494 >>Xem tiếp

The Last Pre-Raphaelit
The Last Pre-Raphaelit

On midsummer's eve 1898, a strange and melancholy watch took place in the parish church of Rottingdean in Sussex. The ashes of Edward Burne... >>Xem tiếp

The Cut
The Cut

A novel from George Pelecanos, a writer and producer of “The Wire,” introduces Spero Lucas, a Washington investigator.

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The Submission
The Submission

Perhaps the representatives of fiction writing and non-fiction writing in America didn't... >>Xem tiếp

The Artist of Disappearance
The Artist of Disappearance

Anita Desai's new book is her best since Fasting, Feasting and shares the... >>Xem tiếp

The Genius in My Basement
The Genius in My Basement

In 2008, at a Downing Street reception, Gordon Brown presented a young man, a member of Plane Stupid, with a Transport Campaigner of the... >>Xem tiếp

Ready Player One
Ready Player One

If you think things are bad, do yourself a favor and read Ernest Cline's much anticipated and weirdly visionary debut novel. This unabashedly geeky view of a 2044 dystopia provides an enchanting... >>Xem tiếp

Where China Meets India
Where China Meets India

A country that sits between two aspiring superpowers has some very complicated choices to make. Yet >>Xem tiếp